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Ocean Plastic Pollution  Undertanding the issues

Ocean plastic pollution is a crisis of monumental scale, affecting not just marine ecosystems but also the global climate and human health. Our oceans act as the Earth’s life-support system, regulating climate, providing habitat for millions of species, and offering resources that sustain human civilizations. The escalating intrusion of plastic waste into these crucial waters poses a dire threat, disrupting this delicate balance and casting a shadow on our collective future.


Land-based Sources


An estimated 80% of plastic pollution in the ocean comes from land. This translates to about 8 million metric tons of plastic entering the ocean each year from land sources.



The remaining 20%, or approximately 2 million metric tons, comes from  maritime activities.

Types of Plastic Pollutants



Particles smaller than 5mm make up an estimated 15% of the total ocean plastic mass.



These are visible items like bottles, bags, and straws. They make up a significant portion, but exact figures are hard to quantify.


Biggest Contributors by  Region / Country

1 Asia

China alone is responsible for about 28% of the world’s plastic waste that ends up in the ocean, followed by Indonesia at around 10%.

2 Africa

Nigeria and Egypt contribute significantly but their combined contribution is less than 5%.

3 Americas & Europe

The United States contributes around 1% of the global ocean-bound plastic, but it’s one of the highest per capita, at around 105 kg per person per year.

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Industries Involved


This sector is responsible for producing about 40% of the global plastic, most of which becomes waste.


Around 35% of all microplastics in the ocean come from synthetic textiles like polyester


It’s estimated that 640,000 metric tons of fishing gear are lost or abandoned in the ocean each year.

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Possible Solutions

1 Recycling and Circular Economy
Currently, only about 9% of the global plastic is recycled. However, creating a more circular economy can significantly reduce the load of plastic entering the ocean.

2 Biodegradable Materials 
Less than 1% of plastics produced are biodegradable or compostable, but the adoption rate is rising.

3 Public Awareness and Policy 
Single-use plastics have been banned or restricted in over 120 countries as of 2021.

4 Ocean Cleanup and Repurposing Waste 
Initiatives like The Ocean Cleanup aim to remove large amounts of plastic waste from the ocean. Beyond just removing waste, there’s a growing focus on repurposing it into new products. For example, recovered ocean plastics are being turned into items like clothing, furniture, and building materials. This not only cleans the ocean but also provides a second life for the waste, reducing the need for new plastic production.


 More Than Just Bags

Understanding Recycled Ocean Plastic Fabric

Recycled ocean plastic fabric is an advanced material that repurposes discarded plastic from the oceans into quality textiles. We gather, clean, and convert oceanic plastic debris into fibers, which are then woven into long-lasting fabric. This process not only gives waste a second chance but also funds essential initiatives to clean our oceans and beaches.

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Why Recycled Ocean Plastic Fabric Makes Sense?

1 Sustainable Circle
Repurposing ocean waste into something useful helps tackle the issue of ocean pollution and directly supports cleaning up our oceans and beaches.

2 Reduced Carbon Emissions
This fabric generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional materials, contributing to a healthier Earth.

3 Water Efficiency 
The process consumes significantly less water than traditional textile production methods, a benefit to both the environment and your lifestyle.

4 Long-lasting Quality 
The transformation process strengthens the plastic, making our bags not only sustainable but also sturdy and dependable.

5 Unique Aesthetic 
The end material has a distinct texture and visual appeal, enriching classic bag designs.

6 Carbon Neutrality 
In line with our other products, these bags are carbon neutral through CO2 compensation as standard.

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Why Pick a Bag from Waste2gear’s New Collection?

1 Smart Design
Our bags blend sustainability with design, promising a balance between quality and environmental responsibility.

2 Value for Money
The collection offers a way to be both stylish and sustainable without breaking the bank.

3 Lasting Impact 
A share of each purchase is reinvested into ocean cleanup and sustainability projects.

In a Nutshell

Choosing a bag from Waste2gear’s new line is not just a purchase; it’s a statement. By selecting recycled ocean plastic fabric, you’re participating in a broader commitment to environmental stewardship and quality.

We’re excited to journey with you towards a more eco-friendly world.

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